Friday, May 31, 2013

Shaanxi Museum and Big Wild Goose Pagoda

May 31st, 2013
Chartres, France
Song of the Day: Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler
Mood: Content

In addition to the Terracotta Warriors, I made it to a few other cool sites in Xi'an.

Shaanxi Provincial History Museum
I enjoyed the history museum, but it wasn't the most amazing thing ever. There were some cool wall decoration and statues:

There’s typical ancient museum stuff:
Show me the gold!
 And lots of little figurines:
Zodiac people

 My favorite artifact:

The emperor key. An emperor would send a message in the device and
only his general had the key to unlock it. I prefer e-mail, but at that time,
it was the most secure way to send a message. It makes me appreciate
how easy communication is today.
There were a couple other interesting exhibits:
Shaanxi has an exhibit on pre-historic times. The area is important because it
is where the Lantian Man was found (Estimated to live 1.15 million years ago)
Zhang Qian was a Chinese explorer that went through the lands of the Huns (who remembers Mulan!?!) and discovered the routes that became the Silk Road. His two missions significantly expanded China's connections and world view.
Big Wild Goose Pagoda
While I was at the museum, my friend the Liberated Consultant arrived in Xi’an and we met up at the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.

I enjoyed the beauty of all the artistic renderings of Buddha:
The fat and happy Buddha representation is more traditionally Chinese

This man was probably an emperor based on the fact that his chair is made of dragons.
Only the emperors were allowed to have things with dragons on them
The emperors were viewed as if they were gods and received special treatment such as being the only people who could walk on the emperor walk

Notice how the emperor walk is made of dragons. Everyone else had to use the stairs.
The pagoda also housed a giant bell and drum as well as other sculptures

If you climb the pagoda, there are great views of the city

Expert tip: The giant LED display is a great five minute detour
Right next to the pagoda is a big mall full of western stores.
Even in mid-March it wasn't too late for Christmas shopping.
Christmas 2013 is only 209 days away!
The ceiling hosts a massive LED display. There
are a couple shows per day
One of my favorite things to do in Xi’an was meeting my tour guide’s daughter. We only met up with his wife and daughter for two minutes, but it was very important for him that his daughter meet someone from Yale. His philosophy is that he wants her to meet people from prestigious backgrounds so that she thinks it is normal and that is not a big deal to apply to the Beidas, Tsinghuas, and Yales of the world. This is a problem in the US as many students from rural backgrounds or the poorest socio-economic classes never consider applying to a top school, even if they have a good chance of getting in. It’s such a foreign concept that someone from a school like theirs could go to an elite university that they think it is impossible. As a result, many non-profits have emerged that help students prepare and apply to competitive universities so they can best develop their talents.
Both of the tour guides I asked said their daughters wanted to grow up to
 be doctors. 10-yr olds don't always fully appreciate their parents' efforts
In a random connection, my guide’s wife used to live in Minnesota (in the city where I had my first job!) and helped set up Confucian Academies.
Showing off his Minnesota swag

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