Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Game day

January 15th, 2013
Location: Wayzata, MN
Song of the Day: Leaving on a Jet Plane by Peter, Paul, Mary
Mood: Expectant

Today is my last day in America for the next six months. It is hard to think that just one month ago, I lived in Detroit, worked for the Boston Consulting Group, and had not yet been admitted into business school. What a difference a month can make!

On the day of travel, I am just starting to get excited. I left a lot of great friends back in Detroit and almost all of my emotional energy for the past couple weeks has been spent on trying to say goodbye well. My friends at BCG and MACC did an amazing job making me feel loved and now I feel like I can start looking towards the future and what it holds.

I have many hopes for my trip, but I also have traveled enough to know that I cannot anticipate some of the most profound experiences I will have. With that understood, here are my goals:

1. Growing my relationship with my parents. I'm extremely close to my parents, but we don't have much experience serving together. Through being on the mission field together, I hope to a. appreciate them more by seeing them at the peak of the career doing what they do best, b. foster a new and deeper connection in our relationship by actively serving others together, c. gain new insight to help me to understand them and their experiences better, d. allow them to understand my gifts and talents more fully by seeing how I can contribute and help them think more strategically about their ministry

2. Experiencing other cultures in deeper ways. So far I've spent at least a day in 27 countries and I'm looking forward to immersing myself in new cultures

3. Visiting friends and seeing them in their daily lives. Spending time with someone in their natural environment is the best way to understand them

4. Better understanding global health. I am pursuing an MBA with a focus on healthcare management and I want to supplement the strategic experience I've had at BCG with firsthand accounts and experiences of people serving the health needs of those around them

5. Spiritually refocusing. I want to spend time in deep contemplation and writing so I can focus my energy, process my experiences in Detroit, and connect with God.

And we're off! The current plan is to go to Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, China (Taipei/Shanghai/Beijing), Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Ukraine, Russia, France, Ireland, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Kenya over the next six months, but we'll see what the future holds. Let the Danventures begin!

Goodbye shots with dear friends from Detroit. On Friday, I went into the office and won every game in ping pong cementing my status as Champion. What a way to go out!

1 comment:

  1. So I am only now making my way through your blogposts and catching up (apologies for the delay!), but just wanted to say how awesome this first one is -- it is so cool to see you start this so thoughtfully and can't wait to keep following along!

    Cr--- cookies and chips&salsa fo'lyfe!
