Friday, January 25, 2013

Inya Lake

January 25th, 2013
Yangon, Myanmar
Song of the Day: Fever by Michael Buble
Mood: Exhausted (I've been sick in bed for 31 of the last 37 hours)

Daily Walk around Inya Lake
During the week, the Professor, Labyrinth Lady, and I like to take a daily walk around part of Inya Lake. It's a great way to get exercise, experience local culture, and have quality time together.

First, we play Frogger. (For reference, We often leave around 5pm and can wait for several minutes at each part of the crossing due to evening traffic.

There are so many beautiful and interesting sights to see:

Lovers' Lane
Along the way, there are many two-person benches where couples come to look at the lake and watch the sunset. I was asked to speak to an English class at a local university and when I asked the students where they would go on a date, they all said, "Inya Lake!"


Something that is common in Asia, but is extremely rare in America is the sun umbrella, which is lighter than a rain umbrella and is only carried by women or loving boyfriends.

Aung San Suu Kyi
In the distance is where Nobel Peace Prize-winner Aung San Suu Kyi lived in house arrest for 15 years. Recent reforms have led to her release, which has led in part to the lifting of sanctions and high profile visits such as then-Secretary of State Clinton.

In November 2012, President Obama visited and met with her, which led to street vendors marketing new T-shirts:

I have always loved animals and there is no shortage on the walk.


People leave bird food by the side of the road in order to earn good karma. This crow tried to carry off the whole container, but only managed to drag it a few feet.

Requisite puppy break!

There are a few businesses along the way.

I love names that allude to literary works
You know what you'll get if you go here

Some businesses are portable:

And yes, they do have a driving range where golfers shoot into the water

People along the way
One of my favorite things is seeing all the different people. Some of the people we've grown to know like the Exuberant Gardener. Even though she speaks no English and we speak no Burmese, the Labyrinth Lady and her have developed a deep connection. (To read about it,

Most people we don't know:
Building an auto dealership
Playing "soccer volleyball" after a hard day's work


Praying to the setting sun


  1. inya lake looks beautiful. and burmese script looks fascinating. per wiki ... "the characters are rounded in appearance because the traditional palm leaves used for writing on with a stylus would have been ripped by straight lines." hm. how is exuberant gardener doing?

  2. Picture of iguana: like like like
    In my other comment, which disappeared, I was going to teach you how to bring two suitcases to collect good food on your travels. Whether or not you actually want to eat the food would have been irrelevant. I was hoping it would benefit me.
    Am I failing the captcha tests? Is this what's happening? Does blogspot boycott gecko moms? What's going on?

  3. The pseudonyms are excellent (Exuberant Gardener, Labyrinth Lady, etc). Clearly I need to fly to Burma and show up in your journey so I can get my own.

  4. Hm, I wonder how those lover's lane folks felt about you creepin' on them? :)

    1. I felt like a total creeper taking the shots, but I did it for all of you! I took them indiscreetly by shooting from my hip. As a result, the vast majority of the pictures did not turn out.
