Sunday, April 14, 2013

Taipei 101

April 14th, 2013
Kiev, Ukraine
Song of the Day: Desert Song by Hillsong United
Mood: Rested

Taipei 101
One of the most surprising things about Taipei is how short buildings are. In other major cities, there are always areas with lots of skyscrapers. Taipei just has Taipei 101.

This one structures towers over everything else. That's kind of
how I feel in Asia (oh snap!)
Taipei 101 is 508m tall. From 2004 to 2010 it was the tallest building in the world. Now it trails the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the Abraj al Bait in Mecca.

At Taipei 101, there are panels on the world's tallest buildings. It's mind boggling when you realize that the Burj at 828m is over 50% taller than Taipei 101.

An artistic rendition of Taipei 101's height compared to other major buildings 
You can tell how tall it is when looking out in all directions. It feels like you must be in a helicopter.

This giant damper works to counteract swaying at the top of the tower. It weighs 660 metric tons and guards against earthquakes and typhoons, as well as everyday wind.

Hack: Unlock hidden levels
After walking around the indoor observation deck, you will be very pleased and think that visiting Taipei 101 is awesome. However, there is more! Look for a door that takes you to the outdoor observatory so you can climb to new heights and see buildings without protective glass.

Compared to other tall buildings, you have to wait in line the longest at Taipei 101. Expect to wait 45 minutes after your number is called. There is also a shopping complex all around the line.

There are many TV screens and I (repeatedly) saw a commercial
in which the protagonist texts his proposal. Call me old fashioned,
but there is no circumstance in which that is acceptable 
Before you descend, there is more shopping where you can pick up jade. (Just what you were looking for at the ex-tallest building in the world)

Fastest ascending elevator in the world
A random fun fact is that Taipei 101 has the fastest ascending elevator in the world. It is designed to go 1,010 meters per minute (55ft per second) at peak speeds.

I only got a picture on the descent, which tops off at a mere 600 meters per minute. That is equal to 10 meters per second (faster than gravity -- 9.8 m/s)

Overall, Taipei 101 is a must see if you are in Taipei.


  1. 45 minutes waiting time? I think I'll have to remake my Taipei itinerary. HAHAHA thanks for this!

    1. The whole process is even longer. When I bought my ticket, the next opening was 30 minutes later. Once my number was called, it took another 45 minutes to get to the elevator. Definitely bring a book or a good friend when you go!

  2. I visited Taipei 101 last year and was flabbergasted at the wait time. The line was interminable!
